Friday, June 7, 2013

Apples and What?!

Apples and Onions, that is!  If you have never had this combination before, trust me, you are going to want to try this one!  Your taste buds are in for a real treat!  Now, it's not exactly apple season, however it IS June dairy month, and what better way to celebrate than by making grilled cheese sandwiches with yummy Wisconsin made cheese? :D

All you will need are these 6 ingredients: olive oil, ground thyme, sweet onion, an apple, extra sharp cheddar cheese, and 100% whole wheat bread.

Since the onion is a stronger flavor than the apple, you will only need half of an onion that's about the same size as your apple, so you have about a 1:2 ratio. Once the onion is cut in half, then turn it crosswise and slices shaped like C's. Then add them to a skillet with olive oil on medium heat.  Also add the thyme and salt at this time and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

While the onions are cooking, cut the apple in half, and again into quarters.  Cut out the seeds, and cut the apple into 1/8 inch thick slices.  After the onions have cooked for 10 minutes, add the apples, and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
While the apples and onions are cooking, slice enough cheese (about 4.5 oz) for three sandwiches.  Can you ever really have too much cheese on a grilled cheese sandwich? Didn't think so. I mean, I come from a world where cheese is entirely it's own food group. Also, if it's not sliced perfect (see mine?), no worries, it's all going to be melted into ooey gooey goodness soon anyway!
Take the apples and onions off the heat after the 10 minutes is up.  It will look something like this.
Now you can start assembling your sanwiches.  Place the bread flat on the table and add the cheese.
Put an equal amount of the apples and onions on each sandwich. Close the sandwiches.  Brush olive oil on each side of the sandwich, grilling each side for 5-7 minutes until the bread is golden and the cheese is melted.

Cut the sandwiches in half for easier handling, and sink into these deliciously sweet and savory sandwiches.  You can never beat using real quality ingredients and these sandwiches are proof of that.  Wonderbread and Kraft singles just can't match up to the hearty whole wheat and real Wisconsin cheese. They are best when eaten immediately, but they can always be reheated in the oven to retain the crispness of the bread.

For the full recipe and nutrition facts click HERE.

Today's song is by Florence + The Machine :) It's called Shake It Out. She has such a unique sound and I love it.

Thanks for stopping by!

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