Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Well, Hello There! - Spring Rhubarb Oatmeal Breakfast Bake

I have been thinking for a while that I wanted to create a food blog, but always put it off as something I would do "in the future."  But here it is, my first entry. :) I am currently studying Dietetics at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, and have one more year left before graduation. Naturally, food is one of my passions!  I just love food...everything about it....growing it, preparing it, cooking it, looking at it, smelling it, eating it!  Haha.  Especially nutritious foods, because they play such a key role in the health of the body, and we all have to eat, right?!  I want this blog to be not just about the food, but about life as well, because that is what nutrition is, part of a healthy lifestyle!  Don't get me wrong, not everything you and I eat is going to be the most nutritious, but that is okay every once in a while.  I don't think anyone should have to deprive themselves of foods that they love. :)  Anything can fit into a healthy lifestyle as long as it is in moderation.

With that, I am just starting my summer "vacation" and am going to be writing about some of the things that I am doing throughout the summer! I say "vacation" because even though school is out for summer, I will still be busy with many other things.  Starting with six credits of summer class, one being Multicultural Foods and the other being Principles of Management.  I am also working part time for my track and field coach, finding high school athletes to recruit for the team, and will be doing dietetic field experience at a community hospital/clinic with two different Registered Dietitians.  Later in the summer I am going to be a camp counselor at Camp Vista with the Wisconsin Lions Youth Exchange, which is an amazing experience that I have had the privilege of being a part of for two summers in the past, and that I get to return to this July!  But more on those things later.

Since it is Spring and all, I want to start out with a rhubarb recipe I made on this gloomy Tuesday morning.  Anybody who has a rhubarb plant in their yard can relate to the fact that when it grows, it grows a lot!  And with such a bounty of rhubarb this time of year, I am always looking for new things to make with it!  I found this recipe from Gastronomical Sovereignty and thought it sounded delectable.  It was simple and easy to make, and even though it may be deemed a "breakfast" food, I think it could just as easily be enjoyed as a dessert or afternoon snack.

I started with 2 cups of diced rhubarb, and instead of the juice of an orange, I substituted a lemon, mixed together with 2 tbsp of sugar in a bowl.  I also used plain white sugar instead of natural cane sugar.

In a separate bowl, I combined the oats, walnuts (I used a whole cup instead of half a cup...Mmmm I love walnuts!), sugar, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon.

In another bowl, I combined the melted unsalted butter (emphasis on unsalted, because I used salted, and it turned out a little too salty for my taste, however the salt in the dry ingredient mixture could be omitted if salted butter is the only option), milk, beaten egg, and vanilla extract.  

I then started layering my baking dish, which I first sprayed with nonstick canola oil spray.  The first layer is the sugared rhubarb (excuse the blurry pictures - I took all the photos with my phone in low light!).  The second layer was the dry ingredient mixture, spread over the rhubarb evenly.  The final layer is made by drizzling the egg and milk mixture onto the oats, and tilting the pan to make sure it is distributed evenly.

The only thing left to do is bake it on the middle rack in the oven for 35-45 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit until golden brown and the oatmeal has set.  Wah-lah...now you have a delicious snack with a good amount of fiber, vitamin C, and manganese. 

For the full recipe and nutrition information click HERE.

PS-Even though it has nothing to do with food, I thought I would share a song that I'm digging with each post.  Music always makes things better, and I always have to have something playing in the background, especially when I'm cooking!  I just discovered the British singer Olly Murs, so I'll share one of his songs today that I just can't get out of my head! :) "Dance With Me Tonight" by Olly Murs

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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